Hypoallergenic semi-jewellery

Some people have an outcropped skin sensitivity to any fabric or accessory that touches the skin. However, many of these allergies can be avoided with the proper use and maintenance of hypoallergenic products.

Semi-jewels can also be hypoallergenic as long as they have a low level of heavy metals in their production. Unlike some bijoux with a high level of nickel, hypoallergenic semi-jewels greatly reduce the possibility of allergic reactions because they are bathed in nobler material.

However, it is essential to make it clear that regardless of the accessory, there will always be a risk of allergies, which in this case should be followed up with specialist doctors, as they may have a different origin than the most common cases.

At Eclectic Collection, as we are concerned with offering the best products to our customers, we give preference to suppliers concerned with this issue, who produce hypoallergenic semi-jewels, which avoid many allergies for sensitive people.

In our collections, we have models for all tastes and ages, which we highlight as hypoallergenic to facilitate the search for that extra benefit in our semi-jewels.

Check out some of our hypoallergenic products:

Necklace Eclectic Collection

Earring Eclectic CollectionEarring Eclectic Collection


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