Know the 3 main types of stones used in semi-precious jewellery

Many accessories have details and even pendants with stones, which highlight and enhance the jewellery. No, these materials are not always the rarest and most valuable, especially semi-precious jewellery. In general, the most popular accessories do not have high-value stones, but they manage to achieve the beauty and appearance of these elements without losing quality. 

To learn more about this subject, see below the main types of uses used in 3 semi-precious jewellery:

Jewellery Eclectic Collection


Zirconia is one of the most used materials in the production of accessories nowadays due to its quietness and similarity to the luster, as it comes at a high price. It is a synthetic stone produced in the laboratory and can be created in different sizes, cores, and formats. 

Because of the great ability to be molded according to the spacecraft designer project, zirconia is the most found in made pieces, and it is very likely the type nowadays that you have some stone in some accessory.

Natural stone 

As the name implies, natural stone is not an element developed in a laboratory and, therefore, does not have the same properties as zirconia. Although it can be produced according to the designer, it offers a wide variety of colors, shapes, sizes, and creations, or it allows a series of unique projects as a project. 

In addition, natural stones can still be cut and shaped according to the desired shape for each accessory. Some examples of this material are Agate and Onyx, minerals that form in nature and can be found in abundance.

Glass crystal 

They are glass elements, defined from a material of lead and other materials. This mixture makes the crystal have greater durability and shine, and, in this way, it looks more like real diamonds, such as diamonds, for example. 

Like zirconia, glass crystals can also be, with specific nuclei, shapes and sizes. The big difference between the two is that the crystal has less durability and brightness.

Jewellery Eclectic Collection Jewellery Eclectic Collection

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